Saturday, November 30, 2013


わたしはかぞくとアメリカにいます。 わたしとしゅじんはむすめがさんにんとむすこがさんにんいます。 そしてわたしのりょうしんのうちのちかくにいます。 こどもがたくさんいますからうちはおおきいです。わたしはぎんこういんです。 そひてしゅじんはだいがくのせんせいです。 せいかつはいそがしいですがたのしです。


  1. こんいちわ!わたしはペです。

  2. こんいちはペさん。こどもがごにんありたいです!

  3. here is my self promotion to Amy, who is the CEO of Amy Icecream Inc.
    (i think you already know what i did)

    Self Promotion to Amy

    I’m Hajime Tagawa, and I’m majoring in International Business Administration at Ristumeikan University.
    This is my paperbag. These are postcards of different countries. I bought them when I took a trip to each country.
    Although, I’ve visited some countries, but I’ve never been to America, so I didn’t know about Amy’s Ice-cream, but when I watched the DVD program about Amy’s Ice-cream, I was really impressed with your marketing strategies. It’s so unique, creative, and fun. I would love to work for your company, because I’d like to work in a creative workplace to accomplish something special. I’m sure Amy’s Ice-cream is the best company to achieve my goal. That’s why I applied to your company. And also, I am a hard-working, creative man, so I believe I am the perfect candidate for your company. If you hire me, I’ll promise to dedicate myself to your company. In addition to that, I am an eco-friendly man. If your company concentrates on eco-activities, I can contribute your company.
    Today, I’d like to suggest my business idea to Amy’s Ice-cream. I suggest Amy’s Ice-cream to come to Japan and the first store should be located in Osaka, of course Tokyo is the biggest city in Japan but these are already full of stores so I recommend the second biggest city, Osaka, because there are lots of fun, unique and creative people in Osaka. I’m sure they can help implement your creative strategies and show perfect performances.
    Here is one of my business suggestions. Thank you for listening, and I hope you will make a good decision.

    please make a comment

  4. すてきな ゆめですね!
    おおきな 家族ですね!

    what a wonderful dream!
    what a big familiy!
